Thursday, May 06, 2010


A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth. The smile can also be found around the eyes. Among humans, it is customarily an expression denoting pleasure, happiness or amusement, but can also be an involuntary expression of anxiety, in which case it is known as a grimace. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is used as a means of communicating emotions throughout the world. Happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile.

How to smile?

  1. Practice good hygiene - well obviously this is a must for every1~ brush ur teeth day and night, make sure there's no food stuck on ur teeth, ooh can take care of ur lips, make sure it those not looks chappy
  2. Get comfortable with smiling - Some people get a little nervous while smiling. They don't think their smile looks good, or they think that smiling makes them look unprofessional or vulnerable. It's true that a smile does show a little vulnerability, but that's part of what makes it so powerful. No matter how professional, intelligent, or in control you think a serious face (or worse, a frown) makes you appear, people almost always respond better to a smile. But it all depends on what you're as, like me as an early childhood educator, obviously i gotta bring my smile with me all the time =)
  3. Think of happy thoughts - well this is the easiest way to make u smile, go read some jokes or watch comedy, or you can even think back those silly moments that you had by urself, imagine how silly and funny you were
  4. Smile with your eyes - When we think of smiling, we think of the mouth, but the eyes may actually be more essential to a warm, genuine smile. Smiling with your eyes is difficult to describe--in general your cheekbones lift slightly and your eyebrows dip a little--but when you see it, you know it, it's that look of your eyes "lighting up" or "twinkling." To get a feel for how to make your eyes smile, go stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling, but concentrate only on your eyes. It would be better if you cover the lower part of your face. Play around with it a bit, and you'll find that you can make your mouth smile when your eyes aren't smiling, and you can also smile only with your eyes. When your eyes do smile, remember how it feels, which muscles are working and how. With practice, you'll be able to smile with your eyes at will.
  5. If you want to improve your smile, look at pictures of smiles that you believe are beautiful. Also, think good thoughts and remember that you are beautiful (inside and out). Your smile is bound to look better if you feel good about yourself!

Reasons to smile

Smiling makes us attractive

Smiling changes our mood

Smiling relieves stress

Smiling boost your immune system

Smiling lowers your low blood pressure

Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin

Smiling lifts the face and makes you looks younger

Smiling makes you seems successful

Smiling helps you to stay positive

so come on people say bye bye to emo and hello to happiness =D
let one smile makes two

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