Wednesday, September 15, 2010


yes yes i know, i'm sorry for ditching my blog
but i just don't know wat to update~ LOL
events, gah jus go and see my fb pics
currently on holidays now~ DOUBLE YAY~!
which i've been longing for, after the hardwork, and the training

so holidays, wat's the plan???
seriously i kinda stayed at home all the time
even parents gotta ask me "never go out ah?"
well really tat surprising?
and hell ya~! they are LOL

so i've just started jogging, went to mt kiara and walk with my mom, gawd, i'm really not a person tat exercise, i got so tired walking up the slope for soooooo long, and i was running out of breath, plus the chatting with my mom, made it worse. gah anyways well i gotta loose some weight, so no choice but to finish the walk.

movie for 2 days straight
monday was grown ups with jiaern, hahahahahahahah she really do made me laughed all the time, guess how she looked? she tied 2 pony tails, and thanks to her looks, while i was opening the door of her car, the door knock onto my teeth real hard! *ouch* luckily non of my tooth came out *fuu*
so yea, it was a fun girly night out with the only 2 of us

today was pirahna with a long lost fren, ccy
well i've been hearing from ppl saying tat is scary, is disgusting, gross and bloody.
oh wells i wasn't affected much by those gross, disgusting and bloody part, indeed i really dislike it when they jus have to pop out with the background music and sound effect soo loud. I almost scream, but controlled myself, or else memalukan my fren there lol
gah see nth much to say

so jus another hmmmmm, 5 more days b4 back to work
so friday shopping with my dearie, KEI for our malay traditional costumes and MIST during the night with the gang! wohoo~ haven't been hanging out with them thou, and guess wat
so hell yea, i'm on for it, and and, i'm scared tooo eeeeek

gah i guess tats wat i wanna say, seriously don't know wat to post here, mayb i should just delete or privatised it when i gotta released out any dissatisfaction
gotta enjoy my hols as much as i can =)

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